lunes, 20 de abril de 2015



                               Write an essay about the topic above. Write at least one hundred words.

16 comentarios:

  1. Well, keeping fit could be an obbsesion by some people, they may stay all day thinking about doing exercise, or the wegiht and others the calories burned doing exercise, these groups of things might be a disease diagnosed by a doctor.

    However in sprint some people begin keeping fit because of the "bikini´s operation" to get fit to the summer and be ready in short space of time, that could be worst for their healthy althoug many people do without thinking about their life. many doctor says that the kilograms that you lose without having a healthy diet (eating small pieces) will came to get fat again, and in some person can get fatter than the begining.

    In my opinion the best thing that you could do is keep healthy diet, continuos exercise and dont be obssesed of the diet because having good abits the results are going to appear inmediatly and your healthy will be increase.

    Andrea Recio Garcia 4º b

  2. Nowadays people are very worried about get fit. You may know someone that is on a diet or that is often working out at the gym, and it is a good idea because sport and a balance diet can improve our health. The problem is that they sometimes get obsessed about it.

    People used to start a diet when their weight became a problem for the health. Now is very different, people is obsessed with a perfect body. The guilty are the fashion magazines and the models, because they show us that we have to be very thin to be pretty. That has caused a lot of problem, such as eating disorders, mostly in teenagers. Furthermore, clothes sizes has become smaller and smaller, so people who usually wear a size M, for example, now have to wear an L or XL and they may think they have put on weight.

    To sum up, be healthy is a good thing for us, but we have to avoid get obsessed with it because it can be a serious problem.

    Esther Tercero Atencia 4º B

  3. Do you want to change your lifestyle and get fit? In the gym, workout differents activities:
    You can keep fit with the help of your personal trainer, who can create your programme.
    After the trainning, you can try the sauna and the jacuzzi.
    With our programme of nutrition you will lose weight.
    You can join to ours classes of aerobic, stretching and yoga. You will have a very funny time.
    You can use every machine in the gym.
    Outside of the gym, you can try others differents activities; for example, jogging, running, ride a bike, etc.
    I think that doing sport is a very healthy way to live better.
    Hugo Collado López 4ºB

  4. In our society, people like getting in shape, they are worred of their physical. Change your lifestyle is very good to get fit and for your health but it can be a problem because may be a dangerous obsession.

    Many people do some diets to lose weight but you should ask to a doctor of that diet is balanced because others can be dangerous for your health. Work out in a gym or on the street is a good idea. However, people are obsessioned of get a perfect body, but each person is different and everybody can't have the same body. This problem started because of the publicity that the magazines publish about the perfect body.

    In conclusion, the obsession for keeping fit may be the begining of some illnesses like anorexia and bulimia. It is very dangerous.

    Rosana García López 4ºB

  5. Keeping fit isn't necessarily a problem, it's a good way to improve our health. The problem starts when people begin to obsess.

    People want to have a "perfect" body. Some try to get it healthy, doing exercise and with a balanced diet, that is perfect. But other ones are very impatient, and want to get results soon. These people often use dangerous methods such "miracle" diets (with rebound effect) which consists in don't eat hardly anything, because many people think that a healthy diet is to eat only vegetables. This can be worse and lead to diseases like anorexia and bulimia. People blame these problems to publicity, that shows an unrealistic image of the human body.But the greatest fault is society.

    In my opinion, keeping fit is not bad if you use the correct methods and have realistic goals. I also think that if you want to have a good shape must be to feel better about yourself,not to be liked by others.

    Vanesa Gómez Lerma

  6. Nowadays, keeping fit is an obsession. More and more people want to have the best body and they can do whatever to achieve it, even if that damages their own health.

    Doing exercise and being on a diet can be good for everybody. The problem is that many people are obsessed with the idea of loosing weight and getting in shape: they spend too much time in the gym trying to burn as many calories as they can, they eat almost anything in order to avoid putting on weight, etc.This is the cause of a lot of illnesses like bulimia or anorexia, that appear especially in teenagers.
    The blame of that falls on fashion agencies and telecommunications, because of the ideal of beauty they show.

    In my opinion, people have to stay in shape, but only if it doesn't become an obsession and if they have healthy goals. Otherwise, the result may be worrying.

    Tamara Ballesteros Clemente

  7. In the last years we have believed that we should always get fit, sometimes to be healthy and usually for cosmetic when celebrities show us their care styles.

    To get fit we are able to have a balanced diet, sleep enough, drink a lot of water and do exercise every day, especially now that it is fashionable to go to gyms. But so much demand in our body has led us buy the “miracle products”, take pills or realise in dangerous diseases such as bulimia or anorexia.

    In summary, don’t obsess to get fit and if you want to try to lose weight or get fat, first see your doctor. You must accept yourself but always doing the best for your health.

    Beatriz Alarcón Pérez 4º B.

  8. Nowadays people are concerned about how they look. That´s the reason why most of them wanted to be fit and look okay, but if you get obsessed with that, you can have problem with your health.
    There are many people that go to the gym or exercise, because they want to lose weight or get in shape, they also go on diets. These are very good ideas to be healthy. However, many people wanted to have a perfect body, and they started to become obsess with exercise, that´s a terrible idea, because everyone have a different body and a different metabolism that no one can change. All these people take pills and drugs to become stronger or thinner.
    From my point of view, all of us should have a healthy life, but without becoming obsess about exercise or about our fedding.

    Amparo Martínez Martínez 4ºB

  9. Nowadays,people are so obssesionated with their weight. This happen in teenagers especially in girls because they see other people who are thinner than them and after they start thinking that they are fat.

    Some people are obsessed with their appearance and they are always saying I cant´t eat that because it has too many calories.You can also do some sport or go to a gym. If it is necessary you can look for a diet but the most likely is that you will become more obsessed. People also take pills and drugs to become thinner and they also do dangerous diseases like anorexia or bulimia.

    In mi opinion I think the best way to be fit is doing exercise at least three hours a week, keep our diet and they will have a healthy life.

    Marta Jiménez López 4ºB

  10. People is currently more worried about his look and is important for us to be healthy, but if you get obsessed with get in shape, it can be a serious problem. The society is every time more critical about the looking of people and, most of the times, that´s the reason why we decide to get fit.
    Get fit is a nice form to have fun and at the same time do exercise that is good for our health. You can also do exercise in many different ways, such as go jogging, lift weights, practice sports, go cycling, dance… But the obsession of be on shape can be a very dangerous problem, producing illnesses and nutritional disorders.
    From my point of view, people need to do exercise for improve his lifestyle, but that´s not means we have to have a perfect body, the only thing we have to be worried about is our health.

    Paloma Martínez Martínez 4ºB

  11. Keeping fit is very important for our health. For this reason, everybody should try to keep fit. However, it can be unhealthy if we get obsessed with it.

    The problem starts when people confuse keeping fit with being thin. That happens due to the media. They show us "pretty" and skinny girls or "handsome" and "brawny"boys to advertise their own products. However, no everybody can get their shapes and a lot of of these models are not so healthy. To keep fit we don't have to eat less. To keep fit we have to have a balance diet and practise sport. You aren't going to see the results instantly but you will se them in 6 or 9 months.

    In my opinion , everybody should try to keep fit carefully and correctly. You will be happier with yourshelf and what is more important, you will be healthier.

    Ramón Jiménez Pérez 4ºB

  12. The latest fashion trends, seeking to impose a beauty pattern both women as men, are today the priority for many people, especially young people. Most mental disorders in adolescents are caused by nutritional imbalances, seeking to wear a lean, muscular body.
    The best example is in summer, all the year people neglect their diet and physical activity, however when this time comes, this same people are subjected to excessive treatments that can harm their health. Although these deseases are characterized by physical symptoms due to changes in the way you eat, you can have mental disorders whose problem is deeper than the simple obsession with having a perfect body.
    One way to prevent these eating desorders is promoting a healthy and balance diet since childhoodnd and teach to young people alternative values regarding aesthetics and how to deal with peer presure.
    Maite Cuerda González 4ºB

  13. The latest fashion trends, seeking to impose a beauty pattern both women as men, are today the priority for many people, especially young people. Most mental disorders in adolescents are caused by nutritional imbalances, seeking to wear a lean, muscular body.

    The best example is in summer, all the year people neglect their diet and physical activity, however when this time comes, this same people are subjected to excessive treatments that can harm their health. Although these deseases are characterized by physical symptoms due to changes in the way you eat, you can have mental disorders whose problem is deeper than the simple obsession with having a perfect body.

    One way to prevent these eating desorders is promoting a healthy and balance diet since childhoodnd and teach to young people alternative values regarding aesthetics and how to deal with peer presure.
    Maite Cuerda González 4ºB


  14. Nowadays almost everyone wants to be fit. It’s good because be in shape is a very important thing for your health, but it’s a problem if it becomes an obsession.

    To get fit you have to do exercise and not only to be on a diet. If you are only on a diet when you finished it, you won't be able to keep your new weight, but if you are doing exercise, you will do it. There are also some people who are obsessed with doing exercise and it isn’t good either.

    In my opinion, to keep feet is a good thing, but you have to know how to do it and not to be obsessed with it because it could be dangerous.

    María Cifo Arcos 4ºB

  15. Nowadays keeping fit is an obsession

    Perfect body types have changed a lot since the beginning of the 20th century due to the birth of models. Before it, people didn't worry too much about their appearance as there was not such a fixed image which was considered an example to follow.

    Nowadays, most people dream of getting fit to look like those models. Therefore, many of them join gyms or hire personal trainers to achieve their goals. Moreover, many start a diet to speed up this process. However, this may be an obsession and the cause of dangerous disorders such as anorexia.

    In short, it is a good idea to keep a healthy lifestyle but this cannot be taken to extremes.

    Noelia Pérez García-Consuegra, 4º B

  16. Nowadays, many people are obsessed with keeping fit, it can be good but there are limits that some people don't respect.
    To keep in fit you can't stop eating because it can be very dangerous to your health, the best thing to keep in fit is a mixture between the practice of exercise and balance diet, and it is better if the diet is done by a doctor, because he is the expert in those things.
    In my opinion, i think that is good to want to keep in fit but always respecting the limits because your health is the first thing.

    María Belmonte López 4ºB
