miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015


Write a LETTER from a DESERT island. Write three paragraphs.

5 comentarios:

  1. My name is Maria Davia and i'm writing this from an island near los angeles. My mom is here too. We are lost and we can't escape.
    Life is very boring after nine days on this island.We haven't got a games and i can not see my friends. Every day i make a fire on the beach and at night I watch the stars in the sky
    we can't survive here, in the morning is very hot and at night it is very cold. There isn't much food. We eat crustaceans raw but is horrible
    Maria Davia Villora 1C.

  2. To anyone.

    My name is Daniel Gómez. I am with my friend Alfredo in an island. I am in an island near Brazil.We are lost and we can´t escape.

    Life is very interesting on this island. There are a lot of monkeys. We play football with a coconut. Every day we hunt. At night I make a fire.

    Today it´s raining but is very hot. We eat fruits of the trees and drink milk of the coconut.

    Please look for us!

    Daniel Gómez Alcaraz 1ºC

  3. My name is Alfredo and I'm writing from a desert island near Hawái, I'm with my parents and we are lost.
    The life here is very dificult because we haven't got any food and we are looking for it every day. We usually drink water from the sea and in especia days we find some cocoes and we drink the water that are inside it. There are a lot of snakes and spiders so is very dangerous.
    We can't survive here because in the day there are extreme temperaturas and in the night there are cold temperaturas and sometimes is raining. There isn't much food and we can't catch because is very dangerous, if you are read this please loof for us!
    Alfredo Falcón Pérez

  4. To anyone ,

    My name is Pablo and I´m lost in an island near Argentina. I´m with my parents and with my sister Lucía we are lost and we can´t escape.

    The life here is very very difficult I always look for food and hunt.There are a lot of trees so we a lot of bananas and coconuts that we find. We haven´t got any games so we are boring but usually we use a coconut and my sister and me play football.
    There are a lot of horrible animals such as spiders.

    The weather here is terrible the most of the days rain and the temperature is very cold. We don´t have a lot of food so we can´t survive in this conditions.
    HELP US!!!



  5. My name is Pablo and i stay in a little island near Islas Canarias.My brother and my mother are with me.We are lost and we don't know any place to stay hot when we go to sleep, because on the night it's cold.
    Here the life is boring, we haven't got any games and we can't see our friends either.Every day I swim, that is the only thing that we can do and in the night i try to make a fire.
    We can't survive here.It's hot on the day but cold on the night.There isn't much food.We eat fruit and sometimes vegetables too, but this isn't funny
    Please look for us!
    Pablo García Abad 1C.
